Famous opera music
Famous opera music

famous opera music

In the 1100s, the early Christian church set religious stories to music, a style known as liturgical drama. They fused poetry and music, creating plays that incorporated song, spoken language and dance, accompanied by string or wind instruments. Its beginning can be traced to the ancient Greeks. The concept of opera was developing many years before the first opera was written. Many famous stories have been made into operas, including Cinderella, Hansel and Gretel, and Romeo and Juliet. Opera takes any type of dramatic story and tries to make it more exciting and more believable with the help of music. This is based on the feeling that music can communicate people’s reactions and emotions better than words (read or spoken) or pictures.

famous opera music

The unique thing in opera is the use of music to convey an entire story/plot. This last title is very close to the dictionary definition, and is the correct basis for any discussion about opera. The earliest Italian operas were called several things, such as “favola in musica” (fable in music) and “dramma per musica” (drama by means of music). It is considered by many to be the most complete art form, combining all of the elements of art, words, music, drama and dance. Opera is a dramatic story told through song. Opera has a rich and fascinating history and is also a vibrant art form that is continuing to grow today. The more you know about something, the more you can enjoy it.

Famous opera music